Published by admin on 25 Feb 2022


            Years ago I bought a nice Lincoln, and drove it for about a year, and I took real good care of it, often waxing it each week.  My wife and I were at her mother’s house in Joplin, Mo, when a fellow minister came to see me.  We had never met before.  I was in Mom’s driveway detailing the Lincoln when this ratty, smoking car drove up.  I remember it had a vinyl roof that had partly detached and was flapping in the wind.  The driver stopped and turned the car off, and it smoked, chugged, backfired a couple times and finally died.  It was almost funny.  Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 08 May 2015


You know the old saying; “Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose”. What is YOUR attitude toward life?  And what if you found out that it is mostly YOU that determines if you win, lose, or draw?  Would you think and act differently? Continue Reading »