Published by admin on 20 Sep 2019


Have any of you ever been to a wax museum? That is where they have wax statues of famous people, and they look so real you’d swear they are alive. They are so perfectly prepared, the hair style is right, the facial expression is right, they eyes are bright, the skin tone is correct, the correct clothing, and everything is there except one thing: there’s no life. It’s just wax, an image of the real thing.

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Published by admin on 07 Dec 2018


This is the season when people ask one another, What do you want for Christmas? But what about the REST of the year? What do you want? I can think of several things I’d like to have; peace on earth, kindness from each of us, nobody hungry or homeless, to name a few. But let’s be realistic: as a default condition, mankind’s heart is evil, and that’s why the world is in the mess it’s in. Can we do anything about it? Yes, and no. On our own, very little, but with Christ Jesus, we can be thoroughly changed from the inside out. EVERY SINGLE DAY!

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Published by admin on 12 Oct 2018


Most of us probably remember the saying the “Three Musketeers” had, which was “ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL”. It’s a slogan that would serve Christians very well, being Christ Jesus led by example and gave His life as a sacrifice for all mankind. He would have gone through all that horrible agony and torture and died for YOU even if you were the only person on this whole earth. I think maybe people take His sacrifice way too lightly, because it happened so long ago, and plus the fact that none of us alive today were there to witness it firsthand, so they have not a clue what torture He endured for us.

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