Archive for May, 2015

Published by admin on 29 May 2015


Time and time again I hear from people, “I’m going through _______(you fill in the blank), and I just haven’t seen the victory yet.  How long do I have to keep confessing God’s Word over the situation?”  My reply is always the same: what does the Bible say? Until you overcome. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 22 May 2015


Many people ask me, “How can I hear the voice of the LORD?” To me, that’s one of the easiest questions to answer that there is.  All you have to do is LISTEN.  God doesn’t shout, so we have to turn up our spiritual listening level.  The Bible talks about the “still small voice” God used to speak to Elijah.  We are used to being blasted every day with every kind of media in the world, TV, radio, internet, telephone, Facebook, Twitter, only to name a few.  There are so many voices competing for our attention that you really have to be selective if you’re going to hear God. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 15 May 2015


When we think about marriage vows, the phrase “FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE” usually comes to mind.  Of course, everybody embraces the “for better” part, but the problem seems to lie with the “for worse” part.  Marriage isn’t always like a meal where the appetizer comes first, then main course, then dessert.  Sometimes we get a relationship out of order with the dessert is served as an appetizer and then when the main course is served, they’re already full and don’t want it.  That’s why many couples live together and never get married: they don’t want the responsibility that comes with the main course.  Then when hard times come, and sooner or later they always do, they bail out.  What does that have to do with Jesus?  Glad you asked. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 08 May 2015


You know the old saying; “Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose”. What is YOUR attitude toward life?  And what if you found out that it is mostly YOU that determines if you win, lose, or draw?  Would you think and act differently? Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 01 May 2015


As I sat down and wrote today’s date, instantly the words came into my spirit, “From the least to the greatest”.  I told my wife, “Boy, that was fast, now I know what to write about today.”  The key verse is found in Jeremiah 31:34, which says:
And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more. Continue Reading »