Everyone these days is looking for a harvest. There is a LOT of teaching out there on sowing and reaping, and here’s one about reaping. We should be specific as to what kind of harvest we want, and that is determined by the type seed we sow. But in this teaching, I would like to focus on the”size” of the harvest. There is more than one kind of harvest. So in order to determine what kind you are believing for, let me provide you with some choices. First, there are small harvests. They come from small sowing. We aren’t interested in a small harvest, are we? No one ever is. And there are bigger harvests that don’t break your net. And then there are harvests that break your net. “Supersize” is the usual request. I would like to describe the last two, being you are not interested in a small harvest, and let you choose which kind you’d rather have. I think you will be surprised at your choice. Don’t choose until you’ve read it all. Continue Reading »