Published by admin on 16 Jul 2021


Today, when asking the LORD what to write,  the subject of “fear” came up.  Fear, you know, when you read something or hear something or see something that makes your stomach turn over and you start to shake all over, and that hot feeling comes all over you…yes, THAT fear.  We’ve all been there, and it isn’t a nice feeling, and God doesn’t want us to experience it ever again. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 18 Jun 2021


Many people I talk to are really worried about how things are going in the world. Lots of changes in our lives have taken place over the past year, changes in government, people trying to take our freedom from us, with fear mongers spreading lies and fear. With Covid making people sick with some dying, our children being forced to stay home from school, people losing jobs, businesses closing, things have looked pretty dismal. And we are just now a year and a half later starting to come out of it, but things are no where near back to “normal”. Many tell us things will never be back as they were before.

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Published by admin on 27 Aug 2020


We are told by the Lord Jesus not to have worry or anxiety about things. Yeah, I know, it’s easy to say, but hard to do, right? Well, it doesn’t HAVE to be. I think of it like this; if God be for me, who can be against me? And if God be FOR me, WHO CARES who’s against me? So why worry, when God has me covered? And that would be a good attitude for YOU to have, as well. It is written in Matthew 6:24-34,

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Published by admin on 14 May 2020


As I was returning home today, I asked the LORD what I am to write about in my newsletter. He quickly answered, “When you think of Me”. That almost strikes me as a question, as in, “When I think of the LORD, what are my thoughts?”

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Published by admin on 17 Apr 2020


It is written in 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” Well then, where is all this fear coming from concerning the economy and COVID-19? This I can tell you for sure: it ISN’T coming from God! Every time something goes “bump” in the night, someone is going to stir up fear, if it isn’t the devil, then it’s your friends or family.

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Published by admin on 27 Mar 2020


This is an unprecedented time in our history, where the pestilence called COVID-19 is spreading throughout the world, thanks to being released from a laboratory in China. Some have died from it, and the whole world seems to be in panic about it. Because of panic, stores have been emptied by people hoarding supplies, instead of just buying what they need. There are cities issuing orders not to travel, and to remain at home. And though the virus is bad, it nowhere approaches the level of infection and death of prior viruses that have gone around, and yet the panic is much worse this time. Why? Mostly because of people’s mouths.

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Published by admin on 04 Apr 2019


Without a doubt, all of us face trials at one time or another, and it makes no difference if you are a Christian or not. The devil is an “equal opportunity destroyer” who would just as soon destroy you as much as me, it makes him no difference. But it DOES make a difference to him when he runs into someone who has faith and isn’t afraid to use it.

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Published by admin on 22 Feb 2019


Have you ever had discouraging days? Sure you have, we all do. And we feel we are left all alone in the world with no one to comfort us. Well, I’ve had a few of those lately, and just this week a beloved friend died who had cancer, whom I’ve ministered to, anointed with oil, laid hands on, prayed in faith, did everything the Bible called for, and he STILL died. And I’m not the only one discouraged, just think about his wife, parents, children, and family. What do you do in that case?

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Published by admin on 24 Aug 2018


Recently I’ve been ministering to a lot of people with sickness, or who have sick loved ones, and the thing I hear in their voices the most is fear. One thing you can always count on, it that fear never comes halfway. It always comes as a full-on attack. What is fear? In its essence, it is faith that the devil can do more to hurt you than God can do to help you. In other words, lack of trust in God.

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Published by admin on 04 May 2018


What are you feeding your faith? If your faith is going to work for you when you need it, then it must be well-fed and ready at all times. Now consider your physical body; if you expect it to work and do what you want, you must feed it, right? If you starve your body, it will get weaker and weaker each passing day, until you can’t even get out of bed and walk anymore. Of course, most people don’t starve their body, in fact, many are grossly overweight. They make sure they get plenty to eat. And if they fed their faith as much as they feed their body, they would be spiritual giants.

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