Published by admin on 09 Feb 2018


Once again today the LORD reminded me why He called me into the ministry in the first place, and that was for me to teach His people how to be healed and healthy. The other day I was reading comments on our website about an article I wrote years back called ‘When God Breaks His Promises’. I saw many comments pretty much cursing God for not doing such and such for them after they believed for a long time, for not healing them, or whatever, and it hurt my heart. We are all entitled to our opinion, right or wrong. After all, God gives us freedom of choice. Sometimes we choose rightly, sometimes not.
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Published by admin on 23 Nov 2017


It’s for sure we live in a very unstable, unsettled world right now, and there is much trouble worldwide, with disasters, wars, and famines in divers places. Can we just “wish it away”, or ignore it as if it doesn’t exist?  How can we keep our peace when it wants to flee like a frightened bird?  Glad you asked! Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 15 Aug 2014


We can all remember the dreaded “busy signal” when we tried to call someone on the phone, and their line was busy because the phone was either off the hook, or else they were talking to someone else.  What if your call is really important, and you can’t get through to the party you are trying to call?   When God calls you, does He get a busy signal? Continue Reading »