Published by admin on 03 Feb 2017


Today I will teach about healing again, it’s my job. The Body of Christ seems to be suffering from an inferiority complex.  For the most part, believers have forgotten what the Lord Jesus taught His disciples.  And most importantly, they have forgotten that THEY are the modern-day disciples of Christ Jesus of Nazareth, meaning the world looks at them and expects them to deliver the same thing that the original disciples were empowered to do.  Assuming you are a believer and follower of Christ Jesus, can you look in the mirror and see yourself as taking the place of one of the original disciples?  Yes, I know the Lord Jesus was here over two thousand years ago, and you weren’t even born yet.  But the Bible says in Hebrews 13:8, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and for ever. That means what He taught His disciples then applies today. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 23 Dec 2016


Today I’d like to write about the subject of healing, after all, this is a healing ministry.  So many people are needing healing, and some have been waiting for years without receiving it. And a lot of the reason people fail to receive is because well-meaning folks tell them, “Well, you know it’s not always God’s will to heal, so don’t get your hopes up too high.”  Did you know that runs absolutely contrary to the written Word of God? Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 02 Dec 2016


As most of you know, my particular ministry is teaching about healing, and that is a multi-faceted subject.  As human beings, we are focused on our earthly life from the time we are born until we die.  Only when we become aware of God do we start thinking beyond our earthly life.  At some point in everyone’s life, God moves to make His presence known to them, and we are presented with a choice whether to accept Him or reject Him.  God doesn’t just give us one opportunity to know Him, then He’s gone, but rather, He will keep pulling on our heart strings until we receive Him, or tell Him to get lost and never speak to us again. It is written in 2 Peter 3:9, The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 25 Nov 2016


When asking the LORD just now what I’m supposed to write, He said to me, “Just in time.”  Well, this is a particularly hard letter for me to write today, because we just returned home from a trip where we returned from ministering to a family in North Carolina whose son was in the hospital in ICU.  The family had been believing God for six years to heal their son, and there were prayer intercessors all over the country praying for this young man for months around the clock.  I made two trips out there and laid hands on him for healing, the first trip three weeks ago saw him rally and improve. But later he developed sepsis in his blood, organ failure and he died a couple days ago in spite of all our prayers.  And God has often healed people for me at the last possible moment.  But not this time, and He tells me write “JUST IN TIME”?  Why, LORD?  It makes no sense to me. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 18 Nov 2016


Delegated authority is the subject today, and it seems a lot of Christians have a problem with that concept.  We read in Luke chapter 7 of about a Roman Centurion who can teach us a great deal about delegated authority.  His grasp of authority even made the Lord Jesus marvel. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 04 Mar 2016


The Bible tells us Christ Jesus HAS already healed us by His stripes, HAS done everything that He is ever going to do about healing and salvation, and that there is nothing lacking in His completed work whatsoever.  That leaves the rest of it up to us to RECEIVE for ourselves what He has done.  I’m sure you’ve heard all that before and it isn’t giving you much comfort at this point. God is apparently NOT moved by our need, but rather by our taking His word for it that it is DONE.  I don’t see everyone I’ve prayed for being healed, though it is many, yet it bothers me when someone does not receive the manifestation of their healing.  There are some ministries who say 100% of those they pray for are healed, yet some of the people who have gone to them end up coming to me.  And some of them still do not receive healing.  Is it a problem on God’s end?  I think not, but some people are so hurt and broken, they have a great deal of problem believing even God himself. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 29 Jan 2016


If somehow you knew today was your last day, how would you live it?  Nobody really wants to think about that one, do they?  Well, one of these days, it WILL be your last day, whether you know it is coming or not is another story altogether.  But if you did know it was your last day, what would you do?  Would you be sure to take time to thank God for your life and worship Him? Would it be a priority to get right with God if you aren’t already?  Would you forgive those who had wronged you?  Would you make amends with those you had distanced yourself?  Would you draw your loved ones close and tell them  how much you love them?  These and so many other questions come to mind. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 06 Nov 2015


We all know that prayer is essential to our relationship with God.  But is God satisfied with any old prayer we choose to throw out there?  Or is there a kind that gets God’s attention?  Nobody wants their prayers to be wasted, least of all God.  He wants to have answers to our prayers, and He tells us exactly how to make that happen.  Would you like to know how? Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 16 Oct 2015


Today’s article is about choices, and how they affect us, both short term, and long term.  Why are we involved in spiritual warfare?  It’s because Satan is after our soul.  If we did not have hope of eternal life, he would not be bothering us so much, for the whole world is under his sway.  He doesn’t do battle with those he already has control of; rather, it’s the ones who want to be free that he targets.  As in the political world, a dictator doesn’t bother those he already controls, it’s the ones he DOESN’T have total control of that he sends his forces against to deal with them. Continue Reading »

Published by admin on 19 Jun 2015


One of the most famous verses in the Bible is John 3:16, which says, For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Do you believe that?  If so, what are you doing about it? Continue Reading »

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